6 Badminton Tips And Tricks For Every Beginners

By July 7, 2022 blog
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6 Badminton Tips And Tricks for Every Beginner

6 Badminton Tips And Tricks for Every Beginner

6 badminton tips and tricks for every beginner


If you’re just getting started with badminton, or if you’ve never played the game before, you may find that your beginner skills aren’t up to par with those of experienced players. That’s okay! If you take the time to learn some badminton tricks and tips, you can quickly close the gap between yourself and experienced players and have a lot more fun doing it! These 6 badminton tips and tricks for every beginner should know, whether they’re playing casual matches or taking part in tournaments. Learn them well and put them into practice during your next game!

1. Get Better at Serving

A good serve can give you an immediate advantage in the game. Take time before every game to work on your serving technique. Get into a good stance, aim the shuttle at one of the corners, extend your arm back and then release. When releasing, move in the direction that you are serving towards so that if you miss-hit it won’t go too far off course. Also, remember not to let up on tension until after the ball has left your hand because this will ensure a tight curve when serving low or high. These are just some tips from badminton coaches that can improve beginners skills in no time!

If you’re a beginner at badminton, you might not be too great at serving. Here are some tips to help you streamline your serving technique so you can improve your game.

  • Make sure you toss the shuttlecock high enough. A common mistake beginners make is not tossing the shuttlecock high enough, which results in an inaccurate serve.
  • Use your non-racket hand to help guide the shuttlecock. As you swing your racket up, use your other hand to guide the shuttlecock so it goes straight up into the air.
  • Don’t hit the shuttlecock too hard when serving, this will only result in an erratic serve.

2. Improve Your Returns

A good way to start improving your returns is by practicing your badminton game. This will help you understand the game better and make more strategic decisions. Another tip is to focus on your footwork. Quick and nimble feet will help you get to the shuttlecock faster and put you in a better position to win the point. You should also try to increase your racket speed. By hitting the shuttlecock harder, you can make it difficult for your opponent to return the shot. By practicing in a badminton academy they can help beginners develop their skills so they have an advantage over more experienced players who don’t know as much about the game as they do.

3. Improve Your Movement

If you want to improve your badminton game, start with your movement. Beginners often make the mistake of staying in one place, which makes it easy for their opponents to predict where they’ll hit the shuttlecock. Instead, try to keep your movements unpredictable by constantly changing your position on the court. This will not only make it harder for your opponent to predict your next move, but it will also help you tire them out. Movement is key when you’re playing a competitive match and that’s why we recommend that beginners improve this skill first.

4. Get Better at the Net

A lot of beginners think that the only way to win badminton is to hit the birdie hard. But actually, a lot of the game is played on the net. If you can master some net play tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a badminton pro. Here are a few tips to help you get better at the net,

  • Always remember where your opponents are – this is especially important if they’re right behind you.
  • Try using shorter steps when approaching the net so it’s easier to jump out of the way in case they try to lob over you.
  • Play aggressively near the net; don’t give up ground when an opponent tries for a smash – fight for a position!
  • In doubles games, always switch with your partner after every rally so nobody has time to set up for an attack.

5. Get Better at Blocking Shot

As a beginner, one of the best things you can do to improve your badminton game is to get better at blocking shots. Here are a few tips to help you out:

  • First, always keep your racket close to your body. This will help you react quickly and block more shots.
  • Second, don’t be afraid to lunge for the shuttlecock. You may not always get there, but it’s important to be aggressive and try to reach as many shots as possible.
  • Third, watch your opponent’s racket when they hit the shuttlecock. This will give you an idea of where the shot is going and help you position yourself accordingly.
  • Fourth, use your feet to move around the court quickly.

6. Improve Your Footwork

Good footwork is essential for badminton players of all levels. But if you’re a beginner, it’s especially important to focus on improving your footwork. Here are some tips:

  • Stay low to the ground. This will help you move more quickly and keep your center of gravity low, making it easier to change directions quickly.
  • Keep your feet parallel to the sidelines. This will help you move more efficiently and make it easier to reach shots that are close to the sidelines.
  • Take small steps. This will help you maintain your balance and stay in control of your movements.
  • Be light on your feet.


Though badminton is a relatively simple game, there are still a few tricks that beginners should know in order to improve their skills. These tips will help you improve your game and have more fun while playing. If you’re looking to take your badminton game to the next level, consider joining a badminton academy. The best academics will have experienced coaches who can help you take your game to new heights.

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